Faculty Fellow: Dr. Jae Hoon Lim

Project Description
Creating a Strong and Visible Community of Qualitative Researchers in COED: Raising Qualitative Research Capacity and Scholarly Productivity
The landscape of qualitative research has gone through a significant change over the past decade with the ongoing confluence of multiple genres of qualitative inquiry and new technological development that supports more dynamic, rigorous, and collaborative scholarship. As a qualitative research methodologist in the Cato College of Education, I would like to lead a systematic effort to enhance the overall scholarly capacity and productivity of qualitative researchers in the College, both faculty members and graduate students, by establishing an active professional learning community. Implementation of this project will be carried out through a series of workshops and consultations that introduce newly emerging technological tools and publication trends in the major outlets of qualitative research. A needs assessment survey will be used initially to determine the level and type of support needed by faculty and doctoral students. Then a professional learning community for COED qualitative researchers will be developed through the creation of an online space to share useful resources as well as a series of writing retreat sessions throughout fall and spring semesters and through the summer. Workshops for both faculty and graduate assistants on the use of qualitative data analysis software will be offered, and an intensive qualitative data collection and analysis workshop will be offered for incoming graduate assistants to prepare them to assist faculty with qualitative data collection or analysis tasks. Finally, individual methodological consultation with faculty and doctoral students will be provided to assist with qualitative research projects or writing qualitative manuscripts for publication. This project will create a strong scholarly community among qualitative researchers in the Cato College of Education and will increase their qualitative research capacity, collaboration, and publication productivity.
Jae Hoon Lim is an Associate Professor of Educational Research at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is a qualitative research methodologist teaching introductory and advanced qualitative research courses in the Cato College of Education. She received her Ph.D. degree in Elementary Education with a certificate of Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies from the University of Georgia.
Dr. Lim’s research explores the intersection of gender, race, and class in STEM education and highlights the dialogical process of identity construction across various groups of underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. She has served as a co-PI and qualitative evaluator for three federal grants including a 1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Her research has been published in top-tier scholarly journals including Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of College Student Development, and Race, Ethnicity, and Education. She is a contributing author to several books published by Oxford University Press, University of California Press, and Springer.
Dr. Lim also has an extensive record of research on Asian transnational students, and has led multiple international and comparative educational research projects related to the topic. She served as President of Korean American Researchers Association (KAERA) in 2013-2014, and is currently a member of the KAERA Board of Directors. Based on her methodological expertise she has been involved in multiple qualitative research projects as an external consultant. She has provided over 30 invited lectures and professional workshops to various academic and professional communities around the world.